Love, we all seem to know what that is. But still I wonder. Do we really know the exact definition? What is the love of God? One of the greatest command in the Bible is to love your neighbor as…
No one can follow Christ and be the same person as they were before they met Him. This is the reason why you change. For a long time I myself served God to the best of my knowledge, while keeping…
‘The greatest tragedy in life is not dead, but a life without purpose.’ This a quote that I heard from a sermon from Rev. Myles Munroe. It stayed with me. The importance of a purposeful life is often misunderstood. There…
‘If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.’ This quote covers every page of the book titled ‘The Total Money Makeover’ by Dave Ramsey. If you haven’t heard about Dave Ramsey before…